3 Innovations That Have Changing the Wood Processing Industry

3 Innovations That Have Changing the Wood Processing Industry

In the recent past, all industries have experienced massive growth due to innovation. From motor cars, airplanes, ships, to industrial machines, the level of innovation is incredible. In the industrial machine field, wood grinding is among the most advanced. The quality of these machines has improved incredibly over the last few decades. The quality of the grinder wear parts including the cutter tools has also increased significantly.

Most of the innovations, no matter how small, has aims at improving the quality and the performance of the teeth. In this article, wear going to look at the advancement that has been done of on most of the grinder teeth and the hammer. Check out the following:

Quality of Carbide

The quality of the carbide material is one of the most significant innovations in grinder wear parts. Over the industry have the toughness of carbide material by the used of the cobalt materials as the strength enhancer. Today, tungsten carbide is one of the best material widely used for the construction of the cutter tools. The use of the tungsten carbide has significantly helped to improve the performance and productivity of the machine. Note that there are various qualities of tungsten carbide depending on the amount of cobalt in it. Therefore, where you will be using the grinder determines the choice of tungsten carbide

Advanced Steel Forging

The used of the advanced steel forging is another innovation that improved the quality of grinder wear parts. Unlike in the past decades when ovens were used for the heating used the steel metals, the modern heat treatment uses highly controlled electrical heat. That’s the reason why the modern steel used on wood grinders is extremely tough and long lasting. They are highly resistant abrasion and wear. For the grinder hammer, they have a much better strength to handle demanding conditions.

Compatibility features

Another innovation that has changed the wood processing industry for good is the grinder wear parts compatibility. This is a feature that makes it possible for various machines to use the same grinder wear parts(click here to know more about it). To achieve this, most of the companies are now producing wear parts that are the same with the only difference being the brand. The emergence of the aftermarket manufacturers has been instrumental in this. Most of these companies are producing the kind of teeth that can be used on a number of teeth.